Happy New Year
I hope 2024 is going well for you. I know we're only a few days in but a lot can happen in a few days. So I hope it's been a great start for you. It's been a great start for me. I spent New Year's eve night resting and reflecting on years past. It was a far cry from my twenties when I would find myself surrounded by noise and merriment. I loved the raucous celebrations, but at the ripe old age of "somewhere over 25" I find I don't need it. I crave rest and relaxation more than ever. I need it more than ever. And I seek it more than ever. I suppose it only makes sense that I aim to provide it for others.
As for the reflective aspect of the new year...2023 has been difficult for some of us. There have been so many ups and downs. Covid is still around and keeps finding its way into our homes. We've said goodbye to loved ones, expectedly and unexpectedly. And, we've been challenged with trying to figure out a new normal. But we've also experienced some amazing things. We've welcomed babies when we didn't think we could. We've found new relationships we never imagined we'd find. And we've learned so much about our own resilience. 2023 has definitely been a year of growth. And I expect 2024 to be equally as surprising.
So let's meet it with arms wide open. Let's take care of our minds, our bodies and our spirits. And let's just enjoy the journey, wherever it may lead.
Take good care of yourself.