Massage Is Not a Luxury You know that feeling you get when your ears pop after you've been on a plane? It can be hard to describe. Before...
January is World Health Esteem Month! Instead of making resolutions that we often break, how about we do something different. Let's...
Happy New Year
I hope 2024 is going well for you. I know we're only a few days in but a lot can happen in a few days. So I hope it's been a great...
Take Good Care of Your Liver
It's Hepatitis Awareness Day so I thought I'd give you guys a quick rundown of the condition. What is Hepatitis? Hepatitis literally...
Baby, It's Cold Outside
There's a storm upon us and if you're anything at all like me, you still have more Christmas shopping to do. I've decided to hunker down...
Can We Talk?
Is it okay to talk to your therapist during a massage? Is it rude to fall asleep? What about music? What if you don't like the music...
...to celebrate that hard working special someone on this Labor Day. Discounted Gift Certificates are available until midnight tonight. ...
Take Good Care of Yourself
Hi All, I've just returned from a ten day vacation. I saw family, I swam with fishes, I ate some really delicious food. I knew I needed...
Accepting New Clients
Tulia Wellness is once again accepting new clients. I'm so happy I did not have to stay away as long as I originally thought. I've missed...
Hi! As some of you may already know, I have embarked on a new path in my journey as a wellness provider. I've started a position as a...