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Take Good Care of Yourself

Hi All,

I've just returned from a ten day vacation. I saw family, I swam with fishes, I ate some really delicious food. I knew I needed this break (that's why I took it) but I didn't know how much. It can be so easy to get caught up in the stressors of everyday life that we fail to recognize when life itself becomes distressing.

When you're constantly losing things; constantly forgetting things; constantly falling behind on every deadline, self imposed or otherwise, it might just be necessary to get on a plane and go where the water is see through. Feed your soul with the ones who know you better than you know yourself. Do nothing but what is required to keep you alive. Get rid of the weight of life. It's what's making your shoulders and back and everything else so tight.

It can be hard to carve out time to prioritize your mental, emotional and by extension, physical health. Honestly, it was a pretty inconvenient time for me to go on vacation. But I have no regrets. You see my trip back was fraught with delays...and I was fine with it. When you've taken good care of yourself, you can better deal with the inevitable nonsense that life throws at you. Like water sliding off a duck's back. And the best part is, I can pass that relaxation on to my clients. I seek to take excellent care of every person who gives me the privilege of massaging them. And now, having eaten some plums right off the tree, I'm ready to do just that. Thank you for letting me take care of you.



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