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COVID-19 Response


Dear Clients,

We look forward to seeing you for your next therapy appointment.

These are unprecedented times for all of us. We are in uncharted territory personally and professionally with COVID-19. Medical authorities have stated that social isolation, and to a lesser degree social distancing with minimal time exposure, offers people lower chances of contracting the virus. The nature of our business necessitates being in close-proximity for long periods of time with our clients. We are taking several precautions to mitigate exposure. However we cannot guarantee you will not be exposed in our facility.

Facility Changes:

  • We will temporarily suspend waiting area use, as it is too small to allow for social distancing.

  • Payment and Scheduling will be done in the treatment room

  • The front door will be locked, and your therapist will let you in at the time of your appointment.

  • Increased use of Medical-grade sanitizers on commonly-touched surfaces

  • Continue to sanitize tables, face cradles and commonly touched areas in treatment rooms between each client.

  • Increase time between services to 20 – 30 minutes. If you would like longer, please request this when scheduling.

  • Therapists will use a face covering in common areas during business hours

Client Requirements:

  • Clients are required to cover their nose and mouth with cloth in the common areas. This is more for the protection of others as COVID-19 may remain asymptomatic for weeks.

  • If you have had symptoms of COVID-19 please reschedule your appointment.

coughing, difficulty breathing, fever, unusual headache, unexplained muscle pain, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, unexplained swelling or discoloration of toes or fingers.

  • Consider the risk you are willing to take before entering our facility. Reschedule for a later date if you are uncomfortable for any reason with your level of risk at our facility.

Our facility has separate, small rooms, for its services, which are all used by several different therapists throughout the day. Each therapist has their own unique requirements and procedures beyond the above-mentioned facility requirements.


Dear Clients,

It is important to me to protect myself and my clients to the extent that I can still offer my services affordably, and in a manner that feels appropriate. Please make your own assessment if now is the appropriate time for you to receive a massage from me. I offer the following guidelines that I will follow (which are subject to change) so you may make your own decision about receiving massage therapy services from me.

  • I will continue to follow general sanitation practices: clean face-cradle, table, and touched surfaces in between clients

  • I will add wearing a mask at all times during the massage

  • Clients have the choice if they will cover their nose and mouth during massages.

I am grateful for your continued patronage. These times are uncertain but we can try to re-establish some sense of normalcy together. I look forward to seeing each of you and as always, Take Good Care of Yourself.


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